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Mount Bromo

Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru"The bigest fire mout area in east java"
Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru meliputi area seluas 800 km2 di  Jawa Timur. Bagi siapa pun yang memiliki kecintaan terhadap suasana gunung api, kunjungan ke taman ini merupakan suatu keharusan. Taman ini adalah kawasan gunung berapi terbesar di provinsi  Jawa Timur. Mengunjungi taman ini dan melihat gumpalan asap keluar dari Gunung Semeru,  gunung api aktif yang berada 3676 meter di atas permukaan laut adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa indah. Kaldera di taman ini merupakan yang terluas di pulau Jawa, dengan padang pasir tandus seluas 10 km. Di lautan pasir ini ditemukan tujuh buah pusat letusan dalam dua jalur yang silang-menyilang yaitu dari timur-barat dan timur laut-barat daya. Dari Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semerutimur laut-barat daya inilah muncul Gunung Bromo yang termasuk gunung api yang masih aktif dan sewaktu-waktu dapat mengeluarkan asap letusan dan mengancam kehidupan manusia di sekitarnya (± 3.500 jiwa). Suhu di puncak Gunung Bromo berkisar antara 5 sampai 18 derajat Celcius.
Daerah Tengger yang berpasir telah dilindungi sejak tahun 1919. Diyakini sebagai satu-satunya kawasan konservasi di Indonesia, dan mungkin di dunia yang memiliki pasir laut yang unik sekitar 2000 m di atas permukaan laut. Ada beberapa gunung di dalam kaldera Bromo ini seperti: Gunung Watangan (2.661 m dpl). Gunung Batok (2.470 m dpl), Gunung Kursi (2.581 dpl), Watangan Gunung (2661 m dpl), dan Widadaren Gunung (2.650 m dpl).
Dengan pemandangan yang indah, akses yang mudah dan fasilitas cukup memadai, tidak heran bahwa tempat ini merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang paling populer di Jawa.

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1All you can hear are the click of cameras as visitors hope to capture the incredible scene of Mt Bromo in the foreground with Mt Semeru smoking in the distance and the golden sun rising in the sky, slowly unveiling the incredible scene below.

2As the gold bright sun slowly rises, piercing through the morning haze over Mount Bromo, it ascends to light up and warm the earth.

3Watching the magnificent view on Mount Bromo is an unforgetable moment indeed, a once in a lifetime experience to witness this spectacular tropical sun rising over smouldering volcanoes .

4There are always smiles and happiness to share with fellow travellers when you enjoy the adventure

5For years, Mount Bromo and Mt. Ijen’s Crater and Plateau (Kawah Ijen) in East Java have become a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world to experience and enjoy the spectacular views here as the morning sun rises over the volcanoes.

6Trekking the grassy route to capture the experience of a lifetime adventure

7Many local and foreign travellers make the trek to the crest of the crater of Mt. Bromo to catch that mystical experience of watching the sun rising over a fantastic landscape.

8Rising from the nearly flat volcanic sand floor of the caldera are the dormant cone of Mount Batok and the active volcano of Mount Bromo.

9Mount Bromo can be a romantic place to visit together with your other half for its breathtaking panorama that is well worth enjoying.

10Have your camera ready at all times since Mount Bromo offers dramatic views taken from any angle.

11This red hardtop is one of the four-wheel drives you take to reach Mount Bromo from Cemorolawang to Pananjakan then on to the sand sea caldera.

12Driving for miles in a hardtop in the cold and dark early morning hours will be paid off once you arrive at Mount Bromo and admire its amazing views.

13Ponies take visitors across the sand sea to the bottom of the steep stairs that lead the edge of Mt.Bromo’s crater rim.

14Clouds hanging over mountains, amazing sceneries,a sand sea, ponies, energizing cold weather , tourists and local people all make a perfect combination to create that incredible atmosphere that is Mount Bromo.

15This man and his pony will ride you across and around the sand sea.

16Grassy knolls sit calmly on the caldera, surrounded by a sea of sand.

17Even age will not stop this old man from waiting for you to ride his pony and lead you to enjoy this wonderful piece of heaven on earth.

18You need to take hardtop to go to Mount Bromo and then ride a pony to cross and get around the caldera, better known as the sand sea.

19“I wanna ride my horse” this piece of song would perhaps be on your lips while riding a pony to cross and travel around the caldera.

20White clouds always blanket Mount Bromo creating a surreal and mystical atmosphere.

21Mount Bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger backbone in East Java, Indonesia. It is not the highest peak, but it is the most well known for its beautiful view and caldera.

22If you can put yourself in his shoes, you will realize that the stunning beauty of Mount Bromo was created by God to be as his ricefield. (Photo by Andika Saputra/ www.indonesia.travel)

23From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan (at 2,770 meters above sea level) in East Java, visitors from around the world gather to watch the glorious dawn as the sun slowly appears and majestically rises over Mt Bromo.

24These horses and their masters wait patiently for you to cross the sand sea and view the caldera of Mount Bromo. (Photo by Andika Saputra/ www.indonesia.travel)

25Riding a horse through the misty morning air is not only the best way to witness the beauty of Mount Bromo but also a way to help these two men to make a living. (Photo by Andika Saputra/ www.indonesia.travel)

26Capture Mt.Bromo’s stunning beauty with your camera and take the scenes just as you experience it. (Photo by Andika Saputra/ www.indonesia.travel)

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